Julia A. A. WOOD Biography |
![]() JULIA A. A. WOOD Julia A. A. Wood, was born in New London, New Hampshire, was educated in the academy in that town and in the Charlestown, Massachusetts Seminary. In 1849 she was married to William Wood, lawyer and journalist, living for two years in Greensbury, Kentucky, and moving to Sauk Rapids. Minnesota, where Mr. Wood was United States receiver of public moneys and where he established a weekly newspaper, the Sauk Rapids New Era, Mrs. Wood editing the literary department. She published in this paper a series of sketches entitled "Life in the Woods," which gained wide recognition. Her first contribution in prose from Sauk Rapids appeared in Arthur's Home Gazette under the head of "Letters from the far West." She was the author of several books, among them "The Heart of Myrrha Lake," "Brown House of Duffield," "Story of Annette" and "Basil and Beatrice." She wrote many poems of merit and in the "Poets and Poetry of Minnesota." a book published in 1864. she occupied a prominent place. Her life and work is described in "The New Hampshire Poets," published in 1883 by Charles H. Adams, Claremont, New Hampshire and in "Poets of America," published in 1892 by the American Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Wood died in 1870 and she became a convert to the Roman Catholic church, thereafter devoting much time to church and religious work and writing under pen name of Minnie Mary Lee. She was active in the D. A. R., and in state Catholic organizations and was postmistress at Sauk Rapids. She died about 1904. Who's who among Minnesota women (1914) [p. 368] Back to Benton County Biographies from MNGenWeb |
Updated 15 Oct 2019 by William Haloupek Copyright 2019 MNGenWeb |