Catherine M. (WHILT) SYLVESTER Biography |
![]() CATHERINE M. WHILT SYLVESTER Mrs. George F. Sylvester (Catherine M. Whilt) born March 7, 1867, was the first white child born in Maywood township, Benton county, Minnesota. She was educated in the public schools of Northfield. In January, 1886, she married George F. Sylvester who was employed as station agent for the Great Northern railroad. After her marriage Mrs. Sylvester learned telegraphy under the direction of her husband and handled the business of thirty trains a day for six years at Milaca, Minn. In March, 1897, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester moved to Plainview. Mrs. Sylvester is a charter member of the Travelers' club of the state federation. She was president of this club for seven years and is now secretary. She was a member of the State Art Society for two years; treasurer of First District for two years and now chairman of the fine arts committee of the district. Mrs. Sylvester was the first woman in her community to circulate a petition for woman suffrage. She holds a certificate and war medal for honorary work done during the World War. She is a member of the Congregational church and was president of the Ladies' Guild for three years. She is a member of Eastern Star, Rebekah lodge and the G. A. R. Circle and has held office in all of these. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester have five children. Who's who among Minnesota women (1914) [p. 318] Back to Benton County Biographies from MNGenWeb |
Updated 15 Oct 2019 by William Haloupek Copyright 2019 MNGenWeb |