Morrison County 1869

Benton County, MN

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The St Cloud Journal, Thursday 1 Jul 1869


BELLEVIEW, June 27th, 1869.

EDITOR JOURNAL.- The act which should have been entitled -
"AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF WOLVES," which was last winter made into a law by the assembled wisdom (?) of the State, is having the desired effect, and those useful and ornamental animals are becoming quite plenty in this region. I am informed by Mr. G.T. Rice, who keeps the hotel some eight or ten miles below here, that some of his sheep were taken out of the yard and devoured within a half mile of the house. Of late, however, the wolves have become fastidious. They kill a fat lamb, select the fattest and most delicious morsels, and leave the rest taking another lamb or two to finish the meal. Several others have lost from 25 to 50 per cent. of their sheep from the same cause. The wolves will not take bait; they can't afford it with the bounty at three dollars. So, when not engaged in killing lambs or some such laudable occupation, they are multiplying and covering the face of the earth. While the bounty was kept at ten dollars they did not seem to prosper, but the generous protection afforded them the past year will no doubt be appreciated!

I drove around by Little Rock Lake, to see


the poor Indian. He has gone to farming, and strong evidences of his "untutored mind" are discoverable about the premises. In the future, however, there is hope. A new School District takes in the Rice place and the half-breed settlement, and they number 36 scholars and draw three-fourths of all the school money in the towns of Watab and Langola. They have built a very respectable school house and are teaching the "young idea how to shoot;" so we may look for industry and thrift, which always follow in the wake of good schools.

In the neighborhood


has been shooting his arrows fast and furious, and sixteen young people have fallen victim to his ravages. Yesterday Squire Canfield united in wedlock Mr. Daniel Trask and Miss Emma Godfrey, and late last evening a gay company called to pay their respects to the music of tin horns and cow bells interspersed with the enlivening squeak of a horse fiddle. The newly-married couple were not to be surprised, however, and the visiting party were regaled with the best the country afforded.

People down river have got an idea that


are to be found nowhere but in their cities, but they mistake. "Uncle Jim Lambert" has the best two-year old colt I ever saw; perhaps not the best in the State, but his equal is hard to find. He stands nearly or quite 16 hands high and weighs about 1100 pounds, and never ate a bushel of grain in his life. Can any body come any way near that?


The river is low and the drives now on the way run hard. Crops look very well in this vicinity, better than for several years. The Post Office at Langola has been changed from Mr. Flint's to Mr. Green's, which is on the direct road. The County of Benton has built a new bridge across Little Rock Creek above the highest water mark. So it will probably stay where it was put. The Watab gold mine is a big thing, if only there is gold in the quartz. The works are not yet in operation.


Transcribed 22 Mar 2015 by William Haloupek

Updated 1 Oct 2019 by William Haloupek

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